Saturday 13 October 2012

AMG Car #03

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With high HP engines and a racing build to it, the Mercedes Benz AMG has
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grown into one of the most popular luxury vehicles on the road. It has gone from
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a race-style circuit vehicle to now being an every day car on the road. Whether
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it's a sports car, sedan, or wagon, you are guaranteed to get the highest
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quality performance out of a Mercedes Benz AMG.The Mercedes Benz AMG was founded in 1967 as a racing engine force. However,
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society quickly picked up interest in the vehicle for its high luxury. Today,
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AMG offers all of the automobile functions needed for a high-class car. Above
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all, Mercedes Benz AMG is known for its development and production of their
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high-performance engines.The United States is now the largest market in the world for AMG vehicles
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because of its 40 percent share of AMG sales. With the high amount of shares,

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